The Space

Для всех любителей космоса, представляю вам обновленную версию с Full Hd разрешением и изменением цветов кнопок и вкладок.

Total ratings

4.37 (Rating count: 1,002)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Overall love for the extension
  • Ideal for fans of the game Starfield
  • Long-term usage by some users (5-6 years)
  • Poor color choice after update (purple instead of blue)
  • Difficulty seeing buttons in the top right corner after update
  • Users want the old blue color back
Most mentioned
  • Change of color from blue to purple
  • Invisibility of minimize/maximize/close buttons
  • Request to revert changes to the color scheme
See reviews for The Space on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 4.37
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Rating filters

5 star
74% (194)
4 star
11% (28)
3 star
10% (27)
2 star
3% (8)
1 star
2% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
yarah mellyssa
ig ameeeeei
Daphney Dingleberry
en If the tabs were just a bit darker then 5 stars but for now just 3
Riley “Astra” OMS
es Que cosa más horrenda.
Pink Lemonade
en the only thing I would change is maybe a bit darker, or even just faded tab colour, just so it blends in with the background more, but other than that I love it! Also on vibe with the new game starfield, which AMAZING for a woman like me! <3
David Zuk
en bad color choice something darker and more elegant would be better
Shyam Srinivasan
en Please change the color and you can't see the buttons in the top right anymore! (X,minimize, and maximize)
Bhavesh Sooka
en Change the color back please
Mário Sarreira
en Please change back the color of the search bar!
Артем Хандамиров
ru После вчерашнего обновления в Chrome пропали кнопки "свернуть"/"развернуть" и "закрыть" окно. При наведении курсора мыши подсвечивается только кнопка "закрыть". Стало очень неудобно, потому что приходится часто сворачивать и разворачивать окна, а теперь часто промахиваешься и закрываешь окно, где было открыто много вкладок.
Spencer Loi
en Please revert the changes to the color of the search bar
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