Reviews of Jira Snippet

List of user reviews and ratings for Jira Snippet

Total ratings

3.10 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

  • Does what it says and does it well
  • Does not work
  • Stopped working for some users
  • Window pop-up is narrow and unreadable
  • Doesn't copy anything to clipboard
Most mentioned
  • Has stopped working for some users
  • Request for custom domains
  • Desire for hyperlink to the ticket in export
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Jira Snippet on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.29
All time rating average: 3.10

Rating filters

5 star
14% (1)
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14% (1)
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14% (1)
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1 star
57% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jonas Kastebo
en Unfortunately it has stopped working but before that is was great
Stanislav Pochepko
en Does not work
Dale Moore
en Just tried the plug-in Chrome and it doesn't copy anything. I assigned a shortcut key to activate the plug-in which pop-ups a window that has the plug-ins name with a config button to define what the exported content should look like (I assume). After that, nothing is in my clipboard.
Bruce Edge
en Doesn't appear to work in chrome 122.0.6261.94 Clicking plugin widget pops up with a narrow unreadable window, maybe 20-300 pixels.
Jakob Ingress
en Can you please add custom domains?
Joram Kuipers
en Does what it says, but it would be even better if the ID + Title has a hyperlink to the ticket.
Milan Švehla
en Does what it says and does it well