Shiny Tab

Shiny Tab

Shiny Tab allows you to have a light and dark mode with vibrant shiny wallpapers, along with to do, full-screen mode!

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "name": "Shiny Tab",
  "description": "Shiny Tab allows you to have a light and dark mode with vibrant shiny wallpapers, along with to do, full-screen mode!",
  "version": "2.1.1",
  "icons": {
    "16": "/images/16.png",
    "32": "/images/32.png",
    "48": "/images/48.png",
    "64": "/images/64.png"
  "short_name": "Shiny",
  "chrome_url_overrides": {
    "newtab": "html/new_tab_page.html"
  "permissions": [
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "background": {
    "scripts": [