My Cloud Player

Free online music player that enables you to search and listen music from SoundCloud.

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 425)

Review summary

  • Adds more functionality and features than just streaming from SoundCloud.
  • Lightweight and easy to use compared to the main SoundCloud website.
  • Automatically plays a good mix.
  • Great for searching for music and creating playlists.
  • Bugs and issues with playing music and playlist functionality.
  • Problems with the app connecting to SoundCloud accounts.
  • Slow search functionality and music retrieval issues.
  • Ads are prevalent.
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and usability issues.
  • Connection problems with SoundCloud.
  • Easy to search and create playlists.
  • Lightweight compared to SoundCloud website.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.35
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (38)
4 star
18% (11)
3 star
7% (4)
2 star
5% (3)
1 star
8% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tshombe J.r.
en My question about this app is do this site works also for offline listening too????
yusuf okuducu
tr karma karışık
Connor Peckham
en ads ads ads
Carol Maloney
en Awesome concept, and addition to my app collection to my love of music
zh 收尋蠻爛的
nelov I
en Useless to me! Why would I login if it doesn't connect to my Soundcloud account? Totally useless feature. The app it's self is overloaded with stuff, but not the useful stuff.
Салават Хайткулов
ru еще бы историю, чтобы подкрашивало прослушанный ранее трек
musicfm org
en Thank you for this app ! Do try ours at
Abiodun Heather Ewinogbongbotiti Emokpae Sanusi CEO
en BCNCBD_I like This
A Google user
en It doesn't play anything. I can't even disable it from chrome extensions..
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