Tab Suspender

Optimize browser performance with Tab Suspender.

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Tab Suspender on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.14

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Robert Proud
en Needs an option for a shortcut to manually suspend a tab, a click anywhere on the page to unsuspend a tab and a grey out or 50% opacity option to show if a tab is suspended would be good too. Other than that it's a reasonable alternative to Google/Chrome being pains in the rear end!
en Giving this a try since Chrome removed Marvelous/Great Suspender. Will update review as time goes on. Developers: Can you add a 'Suspend all tabs' and 'Unsuspend all tabs' option?
Houston Lynn
en It's ok for now (after tab suspender stopped working), but it really needs a keyboard shortcut to put tabs to sleep.
Jean Hsu
en Simple to use, put everything else on sleep.
Gonzalo Giha
en does NOT suspend automatically. seriosly needs a SUSPEND ALL OTHER option.