nombre - Use people's first names in your tweets
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Extension summary
Remember that a man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language.
Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends and Influence People)
nombre automatically adds the first name of the person you are replying to on Twitter to the Tweet.
I'm surprised more people haven't read Carnegie's book. It's the top book on Y Combinator's recommended library.
For years I struggled building an audience. But things are clicking now with my writing and my project Draft to help people write better.
One helpful technique I figured out is simply getting better at interacting with more people on Twitter. And I like using people's first names in communication with them. People are blind to their Twitter handles. Who the hell is @natekontny? I prefer Nate or Nathan. I think most other people prefer their own name too.
But if you use Twitter in any volume, typing people's first names can be quite a task, and it's prone to typos.
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nombre requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
nombre has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.
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