Dark Black

Simple theme for Chrome that fits in well with Windows 10. Apart from the frame colour (black, no gradient) and the darker…

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 35)
See reviews for Dark Black on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.78
All time rating average: 4.69

Rating filters

5 star
78% (7)
4 star
22% (2)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tony Meerkat
en This is the best all around theme I can find. I use it on Windows, Linux and Chrome OS. Simple. Effective. Wonderful.
Vsevolod Kvachev
en Looks cool, but non-default (for win10 style) minimize/restore/close buttons look out of place.
Roger Moore
en Great theme and love the dark surround. I would be perfect if you made the minimize, restore and close buttons match the default Chrome/Windows 10 style.
Eduarda Brito
pt otimo amei
waleed ehsan
en its a very great theme
Samir Patel
en This is perfect for fitting in with Win10! :D
Amy Grouping
en This is exactly what I was looking for. This blends the top section of Chrome seamlessly into the black frame around my Laptop Screen. The X and menu items to the top left are clearly visible and look really clean. The active window is sensible, and immediately obvious. I love this theme, and will probably keep this one for many years. Thank you so much.
Saulo Alex (saulod2)
en I love it!
Zé Paulo
pt muito bom very good sehr gut