Chrome RDP for Google Cloud Platform

The only true Microsoft Remote Desktop app for the Chrome browser.

Total ratings

2.84 (Rating count: 80)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Fast connection
  • Works well with Google Cloud Platform
  • Useful for remote work
  • Requires a Google Cloud Platform account
  • Limited to Chrome browser
  • Occasional connection issues
Most mentioned
  • Easy to use
  • Works well
  • Fast connection
  • Remote work
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Limited to Chrome
  • Connection issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 2.84
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57% (24)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Byron de León
en I used it on my Chromebook to make a Windows Virtual Machine so I could take a test that required either Windows or Macs. Worked perfectly for me, and plan to use it a lot in the future. Good work developers.
Andrea T. Pagano
en I had to task with GCP Lab - and was suggested using Incognito mode on Chrome for avoiding account mismatch -- Though, Incognito mode no allows extension. It DOES work in normal mode -- seems it no accept Input, right? but when you click on RDP VM Instance it fills up asking for the RDP password. As for me, this app just makes me skip some steps from Windows built-in Remote Desktop app, so I do no strictly need it. *** UPDATE *** It may happen that some VM instances have certificate issues so that Windows RemoteDC can't access, but this App could. So now it's a Utility that may always solve such problems, even if WRDC runs faster for me anyway. Thanks
Ryan Persson
en Barely works with a Windows Server 2019 instance on Google Cloud (GCP)
Amigo Wifi & Cyber Protect
es Un poco lento, al parecer es por la interface gráfica. De todas formas se agradece!!!
Albert Naah Damyeng
en it is not operating for me at all, so how can i do to finish my work?
PVSN Subhash
en Didn't work through Qwiklabs
Thomas Pernet
en Doesn't work at all, the screen is greyed out and nothing else is logged or mentioned.
Hanifa Isa
en Very frustrating. It does not work on my chrome book. The system could not even accept the name of the computer I was prompted to put. Or, is there any special name or different name or address to use? I have the mini chrome book, but I don't know why I got stuck where it says put your name or address. I know, I am novice, but eager to learn new things, as this is my first computer class and will love to get support from experts.
Jesse Litton
en Doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu 19.04 with current Chrome (not running in private/incognito). When I click the RDP links in GCP, it launches and looks like it's starting to connect, but the window just says partially grey/ghosted and it proceeds no further. Connecting to the same GCP machines via Remmina from the same machine works without issue.
en Doesn't work at all, the screen grey out and all button is useless you cant enter anything when screen grey out
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