DLNA device inspector

This application can detect and controll DLNA devices.

Total ratings

2.73 (Rating count: 22)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides insights into DLNA devices such as volume control for TVs
  • User-friendly for discovering devices
  • Functions as intended for some users
  • Inconsistent performance across devices (e.g., Samsung Chromebook 2, Vizio TV)
  • Frequent crashes and lack of error reporting
  • Occupation of port 8080 causing issues
Most mentioned
  • Inability to function properly with certain devices
  • App crashing frequently
  • User frustration with lack of detailed information on discovered devices
See reviews for DLNA device inspector on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 2.73
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Rating filters

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38% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bharath Bhushan Lohray
en Did not work at all. I saw a spinner for ever. No timeout, no error, no reporting of attempts.
Ning Cao
en good
en crashes
Kevin Berry
en Has taught me a lot about my Sony SRS-X7. Thanks a lot!
luca ferrarini
it trova il server dlna Però non visualizza i filmati . Fa quello per cui è ideato ....
Sean Houlihane
en Doesn't really work on Samsung Chromebook 2. Lists discovered devices, but no details.
Georg Brunmayr
en Does what it should! Really nice dev tool
Mason Bennett
en Worked. Was able to mute & change volume of my Sony Bravia TV.
en Useless app
Munteanu Nelu
ro inutila aplicatia , acelasi lucru se poate face daca intri pe setarile routerului . Controlul DLNA device nu functioneaza
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