IEability - Open in IE

Runs Internet Explorer (IE) in Chrome with IE Tab mode, supporting legacy websites, Java, ActiveX, Flash and enterprise systems.

Total ratings

4.23 (Rating count: 107)

Review summary

  • Free to use, providing a good alternative to paid options like IE Tab
  • Easy to install and use
  • Works well for specific tasks such as accessing old IE-only sites and HIK Vision CCTV
  • Reliably opens pages that need Internet Explorer
  • Lifetime-license option available for those wanting extended use
  • Issues with uninstallation and remnants of the extension
  • Incompatibility with some websites or applications causing functionality problems
  • Some features are paid, leading to confusion about what is free
  • Forced page reloads and not working properly for some users
  • Potential conflicts with other extensions like AIX Downloader
Most mentioned
  • Not working properly for some users
  • Paid features or limitations unclear or frustrating
  • Useful for opening older web applications that require Internet Explorer
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for IEability - Open in IE on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.23
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Rating filters

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72% (71)
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1 star
11% (11)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
David Wong
en How to uninstall the ieability.exe when I won't use the extension any more? If it can‘t be removed safely, how can it be considered not a malware.
Zoltán László
en Unfortunately it does not work for me. I want to watch my dvr at home. Edge in IE mode works, this method does not. Can't load the active-x driver installed separately.
en not free. why not be clear right away instead of wasting people time
наталья погребняк
ru несколько камер Hikvision удалось настроить и перестало работать. Не печатается текст в полях логин/пароль. Курсор устанавливается, а символы не печатаются. Два раза удаляла-переустанавливала, результат тот же. Использовала в Хроме
lan james
zh 很不错的插件,就是收费优点贵,再便宜点就更完美了。
Esteban Arriola
es Exceelente mi trabajo funciona como antiguo microsoft silverlight
Việt Minh
vi sau khi dùng chùa 1 thời gian thì nó tịt luôn mở được
Sangshin Lee
en I used to use IE Tab, but the switch to a paid subscription didn’t work for me. Thankfully, IEability is a great free alternative that does exactly what I need. It’s easy to use and reliable. If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution, this is definitely worth checking out!
Jens Grahl
de Funktioniert super, und das auch kostenlos! Habe mir die Lifetime-Lizenz gegönnt; die ist bezahlbar und der Entwickler hat etwas davon. Danke.
en great
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