What is Tweeter?
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Extension summary
No funny business tweet button. All it does is puts a twitter icon on your toolbar, and automates twitter web intents when you hit tweet. I don't track you. I don't automatically enter text for you. I don't make you follow me.
Just tweet stuff.
If you've got bugs, please leave a review with some details of what's going wrong.
If you've got feature requests, please go find another twitter extension and post them there. When I say "No funny business", I mean it. This app lets you send tweets. That's it. Nothing more. Move along.
User reviews
- helpful and efficient social media app
- fast access to Twitter
- easy to use
- not automatic
- unclear on how to use for some users
- love it
- good
Recent reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
Tweeter requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Tweeter is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.
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