Desk Yogi Reminder

Desk Yogi Reminder

Desk Yogi every day keeps desk butt away! This app reminds you to get up and move throughout the workday.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "name": "Desk Yogi Reminder",
  "short_name": "Desk Yogi",
  "description": "Desk Yogi every day keeps desk butt away! This app reminds you to get up and move throughout the workday.",
  "version": "1.5.1",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "permissions": [
      "fileSystem": [
  "app": {
    "background": {
      "scripts": [
  "icons": {
    "16": "desk-yogi-16.png",
    "128": "desk-yogi-128.png"