Floral Blue

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 802)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful and elegant design
  • Subtle and soothing color scheme
  • Legible font in most cases
  • Captivating floral designs
  • Long-term user satisfaction
  • Issues with font color visibility, especially in bookmarks and tabs
  • Inconsistent color contrast making some text hard to read
  • Complaints about recent changes affecting usability
  • Search bar color changes that cannot be reverted
Most mentioned
  • Font color issues making text hard to read
  • Consistent use and preference over the years
  • Beautiful blue tones and floral patterns
  • User dissatisfaction with recent changes
See reviews for Floral Blue on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.57
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Trung Dao
vi 10 đỉm
Daniel Wieczorek
pl Subtelny i miły dla oka.
pt O meu favorito, amo!
Jesus Caleb Flores Hernández
es muy azul y muy elegante
Zhijia Liu
en Very nice texture but not distractive as well. Love this theme, and have used it for two years, and come back to it again.
Dave Brennan
en Not useable - Used it for many years and it was completely satisfactory. Then one day for no apparent reason, (no known update and I changed nothing) the font colors changed on the shortcuts, making them illegible. Now the entire theme system seems flawed. It is very difficult to find an appealing theme that the font colors contrast sufficiently with the theme colors. This one is certainly right out.
Zé Da Silva
pt O texto das abas praticamente sumiu.
Ahmed Mohsen
en i have used this theme for a long time now i love it so much it is one of my favourite themes.
romain boucly
fr bonjour je suis française et je m'appelle Louanne j'ai mis longtemps a choisir mais celui la était vraiment très beau cela fait maintenant une semaine que je l'ai et je ne le regrettte pas pour toute personne qui lis ce message et qui ne sais pas quoi choisir je vous le recomande J'èspere que je vous aurait aidé dans votre choix bises Louanne
Patricia F.K.S
es Es muy lindo y elegante, además de que las letras son legibles y el contraste que tienen los colores es marvilloso. 100% recomendado :3
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