
Are you tired of scrolling back to the top of the page? Fear not, we have a scrolling solution for you!

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for EZScroll on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.67

Rating filters

5 star
67% (2)
4 star
33% (1)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Megan Kaderly
en EZScroll is so automatic for me now that I miss it BADLY when I'm using someone else's computer and it's not installed!! It's a must-have for all web-browsing!
Ty Lalande
en Been waiting for a chrome extension like this for a long time. It is so smooth, functional and lucid. THANK YOU!
Jeremy N
en I really like this app. It makes my lazy right middle finger happy. Thanks EZScroll. It would be nice though if the button would work throughout the webpage and not only when i reach the very bottom of the page. Oh well, I mean, it works by design.