GitHub Hovercard

Neat hovercards for GitHub.

Total ratings

4.68 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works great and fast
  • Offers quick and easy access to all the information you need when navigating your repos
  • Brilliant extension that does exactly what it claims
  • Very convenient to use
  • Excellent functionality
  • Does not support private repositories
  • Does not reuse the color palette of the GitHub page
  • Causes slowdowns and high CPU usage when viewing source code files
  • Issues with Chrome's translation causing browser to freeze
Most mentioned
  • Works great and fast
  • Causes extreme slowdown when viewing source code files
  • Does not support private repositories
  • Brilliant extension that does exactly what it claims
  • Very convenient to use
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.68
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Suryakant Bharti
en Works exactly as expected. Thanks!
Oktay Acikalin
en Works great and fast. Except... it doesn't reuse the color palette of the github page. This is a problem for me because I'm using Dark Reader with the dynamic bright filter for getting a somewhat recycled newspaper warm look and feel. Is it possible to reuse the colors so that it won't look that awkward? Thanks!
Vyren Gray
en This might be the most useful GitHub tools I've ever used! Offers quick and easy access to all the information you need when navigating your repos.
Dan Moorehead — Power Web5
en Causes extreme slow down when viewing any source code file contents on GitHub, locking up for up to 10 seconds, with very high CPU usage too.
Saksham Khurana
en Brilliant extension and do exactly what it claims to. I didn't that this extension can make so much difference but it does and kudos to developer for that.
Devs Fe
en it's cool
zh 有点意思,很多页面不用打开看了,只是用户这里能够多点信息就更好了。
Aqil Contractor
en I loved this extension! It is very convenient for me. I would prefer it as it was before though... when it was dark instead of light. Could you please bring the old style back?
en Clicking on Chrome's translation after using this tool will cause the browser to be very stuck. It will be normal to use Chrome translation after closing.
Sayan Bhowmik
en Great extension, please add custom (Slim Scrollbar) to the detail view box
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