
The classic cardgame Hearts. Play against 3 computer players, who can get the fewest hearts?

Total ratings

3.21 (Rating count: 104)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Sticks closely to the traditional rules of Hearts
  • Working well for some users
  • Good gameplay
  • Basic version without complex features
  • Intrusive ads and popups
  • Slow graphics and gameplay
  • Limited options for difficulty
  • Issues with malware and browser redirects
  • No ad-free version
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive ads
  • Slow graphics
  • Basic version of the game
  • Issues with malware
  • Good gameplay
See reviews for Hearts on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.21
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Rating filters

5 star
27% (8)
4 star
17% (5)
3 star
10% (3)
2 star
13% (4)
1 star
33% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bob Turnbull
en I pplay a lot.
Connor Peckham
en ads on the sides, popup ads, unfiltered ads. don't use this game over other versions
Robert Augusto MEREUTA
en Boring!
Sofjan Farid
en good games
Heather Paris
en This was working just fine, Hearts and all the other games linked on this site until it became infected with malware that redirects to a bogus Google search page. DO NOT INSTALL or go to this site until the developer can confirm it's been fixed. I've had to reset my browser settings 3x now.
Rea Jones
en Simple, seems basic
سامي زيد
ar جيد
Stef Noci
en Working perfectly. The only thing i would change is the ability to have different playing levels, beginner amateur & pro.
Dott. Fabio Nacci
it inutile è solo un link. Il link me lo creo io se voglio...perde il significato di APP
sky01 James
en Not super-fancy, which is good. I would have liked to be able to name the players. Other than that, it's just as expected.
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