Points for Trello

Enhance Trello's cards with freely configurable points

Total ratings

3.77 (Rating count: 44)

Review summary

  • Great for adding visible story points per card.
  • Helpful for rolling up story points to the list header.
  • Solves a problem for teams by eliminating the need for a separate spreadsheet.
  • Does not work with the current version of Trello.
  • No longer maintained; many users report it has stopped working.
  • Can slow down the Trello app significantly when there are many cards.
Most mentioned
  • Does not work with the current version of Trello.
  • Great for adding visible story points per card.
  • No longer maintained; many users report it has stopped working.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.77
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25% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Seems extension stopped working in 2017
Łukasz Czerwiński
en This extension no longer works! And it has not been fixed since 2013! See dates at: https://github.com/jgraglia/Trello-Points/commits/master
Dheeraj Shetty
en Doesnt work now.
Cleber Bado
pt muito util
Roberto Caminos
en If you're using this for project work, work or personal, this is a great extension that easily adds a visible story point per card.
Giuseppe Annunziata
it Niente male, sarebbe stato meglio con lo stesso meccanismo anche per gli item di una checklist. Manca un modo per mettere in relazione i points lavorati con quelli da lavorare.
Jaroslaw Filiochowski
en Does not work and seems to be no longer mantained. Shows message: "TrelloScrum can't handle that version of Trello. Please disable the extension" Looks like this extension was based on "Scrum for Trello".
Lorenzo Nicora
en Very hard to find how to add points (had to brows reviews): 2 lines of docs in Overview wont hurt. Settings page apparently doesn't work. Returns the error "TrelloScrum cant'handle that version of Trello. Please disable the extensions". TrelloScrum?!
Scott Roberts
en Took me a while to figure out how to make it do anything. Click on the card title, then you'll see the point picker appear. It doesn't appear until you try to edit the title. Should help the people on here that didn't find this.
anne erdtsieck
nl Op een paar kleine bugs na een hele mooie extensie voor Trello.
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