Forget Me Now

Automatically clears browsing data, blocks web beacons & fingerprint profilers, removes cross-site cookies for the sites you choose.
See reviews for Forget Me Now on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: undefined

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Omega Watchwoman
I don't know what to think or how to rate this extension. I just installed it and found the video and began to watch it. The man says it can do such and such, " *if it is enabled* " . I see no buttons to enable anything other than to turn it on and allow in incognito. Either Chrome is maliciously manipulating the buttons by making them nonexistent or somebody can't code. I'm more apt to believe the former.
Sandy F.
en I don't know what to think or how to rate this extension. I just installed it and found the video and began to watch it. The man says it can do such and such, " *if it is enabled* " . I see no buttons to enable anything other than to turn it on and allow in incognito. Either Chrome is maliciously manipulating the buttons by making them nonexistent or somebody can't code. I'm more apt to believe the former.
helpful with opera because it isnt built in
en helpful with opera because it isnt built in