Re-introduce google maps links to search page

Readds google maps link to the search page and makes map thumbnail clickable.

Total ratings

4.88 (Rating count: 113)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as expected
  • Restores Google Maps links to the search page
  • Improves user experience when looking for places online
  • Integrates well with Google UI
  • Easy for non-tech users to use and understand
  • Does not work for some users
  • Can occupy CPU and cause performance issues
  • Requires multiple refreshes to function properly
Most mentioned
  • Restores functionality of Google Maps links removed by Google
  • Effective solution for European users dealing with EU regulations
  • User-friendly design that fits seamlessly into Google interface
  • Positive impact on user experience when searching for locations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.88
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Σίμος Σταυρακίδης
en So useful and works fine. I still don't get why Google removed the link from search page and forced millions to lose time for extra clicking. Thank you for your great add on!
en Simply does not work. Upon installing it occupied my CPU, google search kept loading and once it calmed a bit and after several times of refresh still didn't work. I don't understand other positive comments.
Ondrej Melichar
en Perfect addon. We, Europeans, are shooting our selves in the foot with EU regulations on tech. Was struggling until I found this extension.
Housenka Kobilka
en Fixing issue of Europe Union
mate mute
en The only extension that actually works. I like that the design is perfectly mixed into Google UI Interface.
Brad Gibson
en Thank you for making it so I don't have to cuss at my computer or the E.U. or Google for such absurdity. It worked instantly. I'm not even in the E.U. but use VPN's. Punished for using a VPN, or punished for living in the E.U. for others. 30 stars out of 5.
en It is simply great extension.
Kamil C (alfafan)
Altug D
en Works as expected
Antonio Gallo
it Finalmente un estensione che risolve il problema!!! Era diventato un incubo!!! Capisco la concorrenza, etc. tutto quello che vuoi ma in questo senso si penalizzano gli utenti. Andava obbligato google a chiedere all'utente il servizio di mappe da utilizzare non a eliminarlo!
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