Plain White New Tab Wallpapers & Games, created just for plain white fans. Changes your tab with plain white new tab.
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2022-03-02 | enter button is on the 4th row r.h laptop-optionally 2 handed typyst on laps would be better off doing data entry if on the l/h side'back space+1 tab space and enter is data entry on forms,ledgers,etc,,fight it out,letters is enter ok,cut copy,o.k,backspace delete o.kshift carriage is for print paper corbon less impressions so its pretty useless in the days of touch screen,on-screen keyboards.on screen keyboard is 1m/s for all inputs including mouse,voice,key press,lan,wan,etc,requires humongus memorey to server systems in multi terminal office settings continue to be cumbersome consuming heavely loaded expensive hardware--so fibre optics and paper less is begining to take hold-but 4 days wait before all the days inputs can be hardcopy printed... |