God is Love - 1920x1200

A Christian theme for the Google Chrome browser. Designed for screen resolution of 1920 by 1200

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 304)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Positive message about God
  • High-quality design and aesthetics
  • Serves as a reminder of faith
  • Encourages pride in Christianity
  • Good theme overall
  • Min, Max, and close buttons are hard to see
  • Spelling error in 'Matthew'
  • Text too large or not visible enough
Most mentioned
  • The message 'God is Love'
  • Design quality
  • Reminder of faith
  • Visibility issues with interface elements
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.73
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en God's Love is what sustain me
彡 Piyush .Rakholiya 彡
en I LOVE GOD...................!
Gabriel Walid Issa
pt Poderia ter umas cores mais vivas/alegres! Mas a qualidade está excelente.
en Awesome reminder when opening chrome or a new tab :)
Kwabena OM
en Just great to have God here.
Glenn Minks
en Min, Max, and close buttons at the top right of the window were virtually invisible. Otherwise I really liked the theme.
Bariah Montano
en Love that it puts out the message that I am proud to be a Christina. His kindness helped me go this far and I love God so much and this helps me show it. Thank you for this amazing theme. Favorite theme over all the ones I have had. This theme speaks the truth about God and I am proud to have it as my google theme for all to see. :)
Marisa Peterson
en I love the design. Love the message. Love the Christian themes. However, Matthew is misspelled. Matthew has two "t's", not one. For me I had to find another background.
Al Davis
en Opening all things should start with this simple message, the first commandment. Blessings to all who see it, use it, and are obedient to it.
Annalyse Greely
en Everyone in the world could us a little jesus!!! But if you can use all of jesus!!!! GOD IS LOVE!!! love this background!!!
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