Euchre Card Game

Magic Blast Euchre is a free online version of the card game Euchre. Euchre is a trick taking card game where you play with the…

Total ratings

3.48 (Rating count: 331)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun to play
  • Good for practicing or brushing up on the game
  • Easy to understand for beginners
  • Game only goes to 5 points instead of the standard 10
  • Computer partner often makes poor decisions, including trumping a trick that has already been won
  • No option to go alone during gameplay
  • Basic graphics and cluttered interface
Most mentioned
  • No option to play alone
  • Computer partner trumps player's tricks
  • Game rules are not followed properly
See reviews for Euchre Card Game on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.48
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Rating filters

5 star
18% (9)
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24% (12)
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14% (7)
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18% (9)
1 star
24% (12)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Len Jones
en plays well..a lot of fun
Bob & Charlene Burnison
en Game is good starter needs more updates but enjoy playing
Tonya Hammond
en cool game
Super Mario Noobs
en I thought it was a fun little game.
Vinnie Maria
en algorithm not very good
mike cripps
en fun
Dan Butterworth
en The programmer does not even know the rules of euchre. It lets you name a suit trump even if it has been turned over. There is no provision for going alone! The score goes to 5. OMG.
Larry Carnahan
en Okay if you want to learn the game or brush up.
en great game
Brian Baer
en not a good euchre app. game only goes to 5, not 10. partner trumps your trick when you've already one it. When I called suit and it was my lead, it didn't give me the lead. No way to go alone. Lots of problems with this app.
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