File System for Windows

Access a shared folder of Windows file server (and SMB-based server) directly from the Files app.

Total ratings

3.26 (Rating count: 442)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Allows connection to older SMB versions (1 and 2) that ChromeOS does not support natively
  • Helps in accessing NAS devices and shared drives smoothly
  • User-friendly, straightforward setup process
  • Solves mounting issues that native solutions could not
  • Ability to write files to SMB shares that were previously inaccessible
  • Crashes and unmounting issues reported during use
  • Does not persist between sessions, requiring reconfiguration each time
  • Confusion in navigating and managing mounted shares
  • Date information on files may not display correctly
  • Lacks proper documentation
Most mentioned
  • Works with SMB v1 and v2 shares
  • Success in connecting to NAS devices
  • Known issues with crashes and shares getting unmounted
  • Setup process is straightforward for most users
  • Date info on files appears incorrect after transferring
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 3.26
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18% (13)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Lemuel De Sousa
en how to share with a linux environment ?
David Favilla
en Doesn't work at all. Get error "Some operations are taking longer than expected". Can't access anything on SMB. Uninstalled.
Blake Pollard
en Solved my problem mounting a shared drive from my NVIDIA Shield to my Chromebook which would not work with the default networking built into Chrome OS.
Dariusz Krogulec
en Awesome for Chromebook and hdd that is mounted and connected directly to router.
Lauren Durante Conroy
en Thank you for writing this software. It took me a long time to figure out how to mount my DNS-321 but here's what worked: Settings cog Keep Password: No Log Level: Info Max Protocol Version: SMB1/CIFS LMCompatabilityLevel: 5 Mount a new Windows file server screen Server Host Name / IP Address: (this is the static IP address I set for the DNS-321 yours will likely be different) Server Port Number: 445 User Name: blank Password: blank Domain Name: blank Shared Resource Name: blank Root Directory: blank
Santhiratan Mandyam
en Without this app, I would not able to mount SMB v1,v2 Mount on Chromebook. Chrome OS only supports SMB v3. Very bad for developing world users, which is a HUGE demographic.
aho aho
ja ChromeOS Flex使用。古いNAS(IODATA HDL-G250U)へのアクセスがSMB共有では設定できず こちらのアプリを使用し無事マウントできました。 ありがとうございます。
Myron Abolitz
en Using the built-in ChromeOS Files app SMB file sharing service I could open files on my Win10 share but I could not write files to my Win10 share. Writing from other Win10 PC's to the share worked fine but I could not write from the ChromeBook's built-in SMB service. Now finally with this app I can write files to my Win10 SMB share! Only problem is that the date info on the files in the share are messed up. They all show "Today 5:00 AM", except for files that actually were written today, those show the correct time/date. Anybody else experiencing this?
André W.
de Super App, wenn man auf einen alten Dateiserver mit älterer SMB Version zugreifen möchte. Perfect, if you need to access an old fileserver with older SMB version, which Chromeos does not support out-of-the-box
Alexander “Alex” Dunn
en Thank you SOOOO much! Trying to get my network drive on my ASUS router to work with my chromebook has NEVER worked, windows was fine. I tried the inbuilt chromeOS SMB file share but nothing. This worked instantly. Extremely pleased.
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