Deal Analyzer

Analyze businesses for sale on business buying marketplaces.

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5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sarah Fuhrmann
en This makes quick work out of the constant search for the deals in BBS. No mental gymnastics required! Plus the gsheets integration is beautifully mastered. I'm a sucker for a good gsheet :) Highly recommend and telling all my Acquisition buds. Thank you!
Enrique Samson
en This makes the BizBuySell user interface so much more efficient to use: It's a time saver. It adds valuable information right on the listing page. And it all happens automagically! Love it. Totally pays for itself. Cannot recommend it enough. Thanks for making this available.
M Anderson
en This extension has sped up my deal searching - I can quickly see the numbers without having to do any mental math. Great product and easy to use