Compare Chrome extensions: Promoted Pin Hider vs Screencastify - Screen Video Recorder

Stats Promoted Pin Hider Promoted Pin Hider Screencastify - Screen Video Recorder Screencastify - Screen Video Recorder
User count 3,000+ 13,000,000+
Average rating 4.24 3.97
Rating count 87 11,656
Last updated 2020-05-15 2024-04-29
Size 47.69K 25.23M
Version 1.1.8 3.43.0-60c3eb134
Short description
Hides Promoted Pins The leading screen recorder for Chrome. Capture, edit and share videos in seconds.
Full summary

For Pinterest. Puts a big ol' gap where promoted pins used to be. It ain't PinBlock, but it's better than nothing.

IF YOU ARE STILL SEEING ADS: Please upload a screenshot of your pinterest feed to an image hosting site and include that url in your support post. This will help me identify what the problem might be.

Updated 09/12/19 - Noticed that some non-ad pins were getting blocked, so that's been fixed. Let me know if any ads sneak through.

Updated 08/13/19 - Trying some new stuff out. The app now runs when you first interact with the page, so it's less resource-heavy but you might see an ad before you start scrolling.

Updated 03/29/19 - Updated script so it starts before page load, which might help. Or it might not. But it probably won't make it worse?

Updated 03/25/19 - Changed method by which script selects promoted pins, hopefully this should fix issues some people have been having

Updated 02/25/19 - Added support for all languages!!! That means I looked at ads in every single language that pinterest supports, because I love you all.

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Screencastify is Chrome's simplest free screen recorder and video-creation platform, empowering anyone to become a better communicator by recording, editing, sharing, and assessing videos in seconds.

With Screencastify, use simple yet powerful screen recording tools to:

Record your desktop, browser tab, and/or webcam Edit video from your browser Share your video in multiple ways Assess effectiveness with Interactive Questions and analytics Request video submissions with Submit

Educators, professionals, and personal creators across the world use Screencastify screen recorder as a simple way to communicate more effectively through video.

🎬 Join a massive community of video creators ✔ Millions of weekly users ✔ Hundreds of millions of videos recorded

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