Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Theme Designed for a 1366x738 screen, but it may fit other sizes. This theme features the case images…

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.50

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Michi no kyōdai
en the wallpaper is good but not the theme
The Wayfayer
en Love how they used the original game case backgrounds when you finished it! The one thing that bugged me is that the google search bar was in the way of cases 2 and 3's background, but it's OK other than that.
Nicolle O.
en nice theme :3
Julie Guo
en The design looks a bit messy but the tabs design were great.
Robin Mejía
en The colors used in the favorites bar are kind of ugly but the theme is pretty good :)
Akame Hino Tsukino (Blade)
en OK