Google Input Tools

Input Tools lets you type in the language of your choice.

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 5,383)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and easy to use
  • Effective for typing in various languages
  • Special mention for Bangla input support
  • Convenient for homework and academic tasks
  • Recent changes have made it harder to use for some
  • Issues with compatibility in specific applications (e.g., Discord, Skype)
  • Concerns about the accuracy of Cantonese syllable symbols due to recent updates
  • Request for additional language support (e.g., Santali Ol Chiki)
Most mentioned
  • Compatibility issues with certain web applications
  • Recent changes affecting user experience
  • Need for further language options and improvements
See reviews for Google Input Tools on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.99
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Rating filters

5 star
41% (229)
4 star
13% (74)
3 star
12% (69)
2 star
11% (61)
1 star
22% (124)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
maderina lawsone
zh 雖然微軟輸入法不好用,這個有好到那裡去嗎
Moeen Uddin Bhuiyan (Moeen)
en this is the best way to take Gboard like feels in desktop. We love it and it's make easier to write Bangla on internet, and this best tool to write bangla than all tools to write Bangla from Bangladeshi creators. Thanks Google for saving us
zh 比微軟輸入法還要好100倍
Yakov Frolitoma
en Very good
ja 数ヶ月前からずっとブラウザ版ディスコードで使えなくなってたね
zh 為什麼擴充功能沒有作用?爛死了
William Gorgianovkito
en I give it 5 starts, but the recent changes makes it harder to use...
Eva Pang
zh 在帶有emoji的google doc上使用會一直發生問題
Raymond Yeung
en The recent changes in syllable symbols of the Cantonese input method is a nightmare to current users. It is beginning to follow the system of JyutPing (e.g. "Juen" becomes "Jyun"), which a lot of users don't prefer due to its differences to conventional pronunciation of a word. More importantly, there is already a separate input method for JyutPing, so there is really no point to change the Cantonese one. I beg the people behind to stop and revert the changes, thank you.
Yang Jk
zh 可以新增Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)- 繁體的双拼(小鶴) 版嗎? 謝謝。
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