Reviews of Tab Manager for Chrome™

List of user reviews and ratings for Tab Manager for Chrome™

Total ratings

4.26 (Rating count: 78)

Review summary

  • Useful for organizing tabs
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Effective pop-up menu
  • Snappy UI and well-made search
  • Good for managing multiple tabs
  • Default behavior replaces all tabs which can lead to loss of tabs
  • No option to open tabs in a new window
  • Tabs may be lost or hard to recover
  • Limited space in pop-up window to view all tabs
  • Annoying behavior switches tabs when pressing enter
Most mentioned
  • Replacing tabs by default leads to issues
  • Loss of tabs when using the extension
  • User-friendly and organized interface
  • Needs more features for tab management
  • Pop-up window functionality could be improved
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Tab Manager for Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.26
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Rating filters

5 star
54% (15)
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11% (3)
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25% (7)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Yasin Alıcı
tr her pc de olması gereken bir uzantı , sekme geçişleri çok rahatlıyor
it Perfettamente funzionante e utile
Oussama Asri
en usefull app
Hermann LaFleur
en Kinda cringe that you can't open individual tabs by clicking on them lol.
zi Mai
zh 不錯用,又免費~
joseph ousley
en pressed enter after writing a paragraph for work and it closed every tab, with no easy way to restore them aside from spamming ctrl+shift+t until it looked right. extension options > open group > change "replace tabs" to "add new" -- i don't understand replacing all tabs would be default behavior, especially before you've even defined a group.
lazghab karim
en this extention deleted all of my tabs and i couldn't recover all of them
Rodrigo Bogado
en Has the "replace current tags" options as default. Who was the idiot who thought that was a good idea? i just lost a lot of tags because of it while testing the extention. And it also doesn't have a "open in new window" option that should be the default
Brill Rayel
en Yummy. Super helpful.
Borja Melián Rodríguez
es Muy util y facil de utilizar. Recomendable para todo tipo de persona
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