Pomodoro Work + Stretch

Pomodoro Work + Stretch

25 minutes of productivity and 5 minutes of desk-friendly stretches — with correct exercise form detection.

Total ratings for Pomodoro Work + Stretch
4.50 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Pomodoro Work + Stretch on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Pomodoro Work + Stretch
Recent rating average: 4.57
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Karine Cunha
Karine Cunha
pt Muito bom! Mas seria legal se desse pra mudar o tempo, 25 min é muito pouco, sei que é o ideal, mas é bem difícil dependendo do trabalho.
Franciesco Rodrigues
Franciesco Rodrigues
en It doesn't allow changes in times. Intead of 25 minutos I could change to 50 with 10 break. :(
Danny Goncalves
Danny Goncalves
en I like the idea of using the camera and adding some guided exercises for 5 minutes, but sometimes 25 minutes its too overkill, it would be great if you could configure that to a different lapse. With that, I would have given it the full 5 stars
Mina Jo
Mina Jo
This is perfect for students who have online school. Online school has just started again, and the long hours in front of the computer while listening to my teachers through zoom can be really tiring to both body and soul. After spending so much time staring into my computer screen during classtime, doing homework that requires computer screen time is absolutely draining, but this extension has kept me going. Sometimes when your doing school work on the computer, you can be so focused that you haven't moved in one spot for hours, but this product reminds me that I need to get up and stretch to keep my blood flowing. Other times it's the complete opposite; there are so many distractions that come with computers, so doing the timed stretch breaks help me become more productive.
Angelie Hoang
Angelie Hoang
I tend to stare at my screen for long periods of time without resting, so this extension is extremely useful in helping my eyes and body stay healthy while working remotely!
2020-08-04 jenna kee Super rad! The stretch breaks are lots of fun and easy to follow along. I can feel myself getting more flexible every time I do these stretches. I definitely recommend this product! Everyone should use this because it's a great way to stay healthy remotely
2020-08-04 teakki Easy-to-use design & what I perfectly needed for remote work. The stretches have improved my posture and I find myself a lot more productive too!