Salesforce SmartLog

Salesforce SmartLog

Read your Salesforce logs smarter.

Total ratings for Salesforce SmartLog
4.75 (Rating count: 8)
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Recent reviews for Salesforce SmartLog
Recent rating average: 4.71
All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nick Welch
Nick Welch
en A normally great extension (would give 5 stars), but the recent update is causing pages to load incorrectly. I.e. Lightning Record Page editor won't load at all, and there are weird loads where logos are missing and replaced with "SFDC LOGO" text. I will need to keep this extension turned off unless I am actively looking at Debug Logs.
Dhananjay Kadam
Dhananjay Kadam
en The extension is too good but with the recent updates; it is not loading. Can you please have a look? I did have a look but the icon does not load all the time. Also it does not show the latest debug logs which I can see in Salesforce created by using simple System.debug statements. Not sure if I am missing anything. Honestly your earler button on debug log screen was better from my point of view. Thanks for your response. Please check why debug logs are not being shown.
Yoni Yonasi
Yoni Yonasi
en Amazing extension!
COPADO Training
COPADO Training
This extension is not working properly please check your side ASAP
Juha Lassila [MySpeaker Oy]
Juha Lassila [MySpeaker Oy]
Excellent! Took a minute or two two figure out how this works (without RTFM, if any). Setup > Debug Logs > [toggle view (Original | Extention)].
Dvir Shavit
Dvir Shavit
Amazing Extension! thank you!
Rajat Kamble
Rajat Kamble
Great extension! I'm finding it really useful! Thank you for this.