Pocket Card Wallet

Store loyalty cards and tickets online, use across devices and locations

Pocket Card Wallet - Store loyalty cards and tickets online

Pocket Card Wallet is a Chrome extension that allows you to store and access your loyalty cards and tickets online. With Pocket Card Wallet, you can easily manage and use your cards across devices and locations. Never worry about forgetting your cards or cluttering your phone with unnecessary vendor apps. Upload your cards, download them for offline use, and even share your account with loved ones for more reward points. Get the convenience and flexibility you need with Pocket Card Wallet.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Users: 30
Rating: 5.00
Version: 0.11 (Last updated: 2017-06-26)
Creation date: 2017-06-26
Risk impact: Moderate risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
  • webview
  • http://*/
  • https://*/
Size: 243.71K
URLs: Website


Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Is your wallet bursting with loyalty cards given to you at every place you shop? Is it full with tickets from every place you need to go? Is your phone packed with vendor apps that you don't need or don't want?

Take your loyalty cards, club cards and tickets with you wherever you go, across devices and places. Never worry about whether you have what you need to hand again.

Just upload your cards and you're ready to go.

Pocket Card wallet is the only card and ticketing app which works across devices. No need to worry about you losing your card information!

Pocket Card Wallet works across devices and locations. If you don't have a network connection, download your cards and tickets locally and then you can use them offline.

Your first card slot is completely free. Add, remove and add again as much as you like. Further slots can be purchased as and when you need them.

Share your account with loved ones so that you can use the same cards as one another. Sharing your account can mean more reward points at each vendor. In this way, additional slots at Pocket Card Wallet quickly pay for themselves.

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Extension safety

Risk impact

Pocket Card Wallet requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk likelihood

Pocket Card Wallet is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.

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Promo images

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