Export My NFT Listings

Export My NFT Listings

Reads out your NFT listings with prices on marketplaces and export as CSV to be imported by other marketplaces like tofuNFT.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx",
  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "Export My NFT Listings",
  "description": "Reads out your NFT listings with prices on marketplaces and export as CSV to be imported by other marketplaces like tofuNFT.",
  "version": "1.2",
  "action": {
    "default_icon": {
      "16": "/images/icon-16.png",
      "32": "/images/icon-32.png",
      "48": "/images/icon-48.png",
      "128": "/images/icon-128.png"
    "default_popup": "popup.html"
  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": [
      "js": [
      "matches": [
      "js": [
      "matches": [
      "js": [
  "background": {
    "service_worker": "js/background.js"
  "permissions": [
  "host_permissions": [