Typing WPM Test

Typing words per minute test.

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2.59 (Rating count: 22)
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Recent rating average: 2.13
All time rating average: 2.59

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alexis Silva
en didnt work offline
Elaine Lee
en I tried it and love that you can use the backspace. The thing I'd also like to see from the beginning, is a choice of letters learned and a choice of lenth of time for test. Please consider.
Hernández E.
en is online not offline
ilyas maqbool
en so nic
Hannah Wills
en the paragraphs are to long to type in a minute. and it said is was offline but its not :(
John Yates
en It doesn't work offline! How can this be listed as an offline app! When offline the only feature that still works is the wpm counter, not even the accuracy counter works... useless and deceptive.
Ken Yeh
en Simply a link to a website. It is misleading to label it as an offline app.
Chloe Mccormack
en to fast and the paragraphs were way too long for a minute