Reviews of NerdeFocus

List of user reviews and ratings for NerdeFocus

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for NerdeFocus on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.43
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nick Milton
en I've been using this for years now and I find it to be an invaluable tool when testing site usability/accessibility. The ability to provide an enormous coloured boarder that follows your focus target helps illustrate tab orders to clients/other developers and is an incredibly helpful teaching tool. My only complaint is it's not on other browsers! I'd love to see it on Firefox and Safari.
en Thanks, works for me (Brave v1.60.118)
Kevin McLaughlin
en Doesn't work.
Dominique Müller
en Fantastic!
Peter Eastman
en This worked great for me after a restart of the browser.
Tommy Feldt
en This is a brilliant extension! I use it daily in my work as an accessibility consultant. If I can wish for a new feature, I would like to have more information about each focused element in the log. For instance, you could present the accessible name of the focused element together with the CSS path. That would make it a little bit easier to distinguish exactly which element it is. You should also make it possible to right click the logged element to view it in the DOM inspector.
Ale R Buteler
en I loved the idea, didn't work form me. :( Chrome Version 67.0.3396.87 (Official Build) (64-bit) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS