List of user reviews and ratings for HSK Vocabulary List
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2016-03-23 | en | This thing is kinda confused, but people should cut them some slack because they're just starting out, and some of the stuff that they've got together is really excellent. Clicking through to the website will get you a bookstore. They're really fine, good people, smart and willing to help, and well priced. The bad news isi that the price of postage is outrageous. So fifty dollars woth of books will run maybe $0 in postage, and at the end of the day the price will be about the same as buying from your local college bookstore. There are also a bunch of language utilities. The dictionary is stunningly good! As good as NCIKU was when it was working, before they went bely up. Good definitions, but importantly, really first rate examples -- with audio! It's like they really want you to win. The words list thing iss also sorta useful, sorta needs work. If you're ust learning to write, their exercise generating utility is good. The flash card generator is good if you have a printer and card stock handy. You should take a look around, and see what suits you. Overall thiese people, Purple Culture have huge potential, and everybody should look in on them from time to time. I'm going to continue using them s my book supplier. Anybody who wants the HSK vocab list, yo can get it by scrolling down through the book list, or by searching on "HSK." It is free, contrary to what another reviewer has said here. -dlj. | ||
2016-02-21 | en | Just a link to a site where you get to purchase the list. I wouldn't mind if they put that in the description but the app seemed like free list. Really disappointed. |