ORGanizer for Salesforce

ORGanizer - The best Salesforce Extension ever

Total ratings

4.88 (Rating count: 246)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface
  • Powerful admin tools
  • Time-saving features
  • Essential for working with multiple Salesforce orgs
  • Great support and functionality
  • Recent update causing errors in the console
  • Missing direct access to Salesforce Classic
Most mentioned
  • A must-have tool for Salesforce users
  • Invaluable for managing multiple orgs
  • Time-saving features and shortcuts
  • Great for SOQL queries and user management
  • Strong support and consistent performance over the years
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.88
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Rating filters

5 star
93% (176)
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3% (5)
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1 star
2% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Claudio Marzorati
en The best Salesforce extension. Other tools are not so user friendly. This one is simply the best! You still forgot your password? You must install ORGanizer!
Tina O'Dell
en Brilliant Salesforce admin must-have extension!!
Jason Adams
en Great Product
Gabriel Barisio
pt Ótima extensão para quem trabalha com Salesforce.
Sai Siddanthi
en Powerful admin tool
Oscar García
en A must for Salesforce Admin.
Mike Vermace
en Excellant Tools!!! A lot of time saved.
Jamie Arias
en This product is a life saver been using for years especially helpful when working/switching between different orgs
Kevin Kniss
en As a consultant, I use this plugin daily (paid version) and it saves me a TON of time... from quick SOQL queries, User management to a simple LoginAs (Incognito)... this plugin is invaluable to my workflow and helps tremendously with testing and UX. Very well-engineered tool!
Jessica Adams
en It's a must-have for managing multiple orgs
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