Omni: Dark Theme for Chrome

The official Omni Theme for Google Chrome. Dark, clean and minimal.

Total ratings

4.41 (Rating count: 29)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good colors
  • Amazing theme
  • Perfect theme
  • The best theme
  • beautiful colors
  • Difficulty in reading the content of the tabs due to contrast
  • Text on inactive tabs is too dark to see
  • icons are huge squares
  • Difficulty in removing the extension
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty in reading tab content due to color contrast
  • Good colors
  • Difficulty in removing the extension
  • Beautiful colors
  • Amazing theme
See reviews for Omni: Dark Theme for Chrome on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.41
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Rating filters

5 star
65% (13)
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15% (3)
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15% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Gui Domingues
pt As cores são boas, mas por conta do contraste do texto das tabs (exceto a ativa), eu praticamente não consigo ler o conteúdo dela. Uma melhoria top seria remover o background dos buttons minimizar, maximizar e fechar.
Vinny H (Vinnyface)
Luis Geniole
pt So aparece o texto das abas quando faz hover com o mouse, não da para ler nada.
João Pedro Martins Pinheiro
pt Mt bom
Paulo Victor Duarte
pt bom
Renato LL
pt No Brave para Windows as cores do texto da aba inativa ficaram escuras nao da para enxergar, e os icones (minimizar, maximizar, fechar) ficaram uns quadrados gigantes
Marcelo Lima
pt Não consigo remover do chrome :(
Raphael Corrêa
pt Omni Theme pra tudo!
Jorge Ramos
pt como eu removo?
Willian Matheus
en It's amazing, only need to highlight better the current tab, in some monitors is to difficult to see.
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