PVU Zoom

Zoom de textos y números para PLANT VS UNDEAD

PVU Zoom - Chrome Extension

PVU Zoom is a Chrome extension that allows you to zoom in on text and numbers in the PLANT VS UNDEAD game. It is particularly useful for users with small devices or laptops, those who play on Canaima, and those with visual impairments.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Users: 33
Rating: 5.00
Version: 1.1 (Last updated: 2021-09-22)
Creation date: 2021-09-15
Risk impact: Moderate risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
  • storage
  • tabs
  • https://marketplace.plantvsundead.com/*
Size: 706.56K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

📌Extensión que aumenta el tamaño de los números y textos en el juego de PLANT VS UNDEAD. Te ayudara por si tienes dispositivos o laptops pequeñas, juegas con una canaima y no miras bien los números de tus herramientas en la granja o también si eres corto de vista.

☑️ Suscríbete al canal de la comunidad: https://bit.ly/subf8task ✅ Únete a nuestro discord: https://discord.gg/8rBYzqqYDq

User reviews

Excelente herramienta, muy util para mi laptop HP, muchas gracias
by Neo Beat, 2021-09-15
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

PVU Zoom requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk likelihood

PVU Zoom has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Promo images

PVU Zoom small promo image
Small promo image

Similar extensions

Here are some Chrome extensions that are similar to PVU Zoom: