Chrome Notes

A simple notepad extension for Google Chrome

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 211)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very simple and efficient to use
  • Quickly access and save important notes
  • Multiple mini features available
  • Ability to copy and edit text content easily
  • Dark mode is appreciated by many users
  • Speech to text functionality is not working or unclear
  • Lack of text customization options (font size, bold, color)
  • Animated pencil feature is distracting and has no option to turn off
  • Text contrast is poor for visually impaired users
  • Window position is 'stuck' and users wish for the ability to move it
Most mentioned
  • Speech to text feature not functioning
  • Desire for increased text formatting options
  • Need for better text contrast and visibility
  • Request for adjustable window size and position
  • Overall ease of use and practicality in daily tasks
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.45
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Rating filters

5 star
72% (128)
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13% (24)
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6% (10)
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4% (7)
1 star
6% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Daniel Perron
fr Je l'utilise a touts les jours
en Speech to text is not working. And seems like they're not going to fix it.
Vincent Lee
en my only gripe is the lack of contrast. the text is not fully black. i am visually impaired and struggle to see gray/lighter-color text, regardless of the background color. faded text is troubling for someone like me. other than that, great little extension, but will be sticking to chrome's Notepad extension.
On The way To Dream
ru Лучшее приложение! Давно искал похожее. Не нужно что-то искать среди своих заметок на компьютере. Просто нажал в браузере, быстро скопировал что тебе надо и все. Вы лучшие спасибо! Только как я понимаю многим надо чтобы был режим чтобы окно никуда не пропадало по нажатию на карандаш, хотя можно просто нажать на кнопку open in new window и закрепить на рабочем столе, но если будете делать такую функцию то оставьте "в таком виде и в таком", то есть просто сделайте отдельной кнопкой данный режим, а так это мой TOP S TIER среди расширений по полезности. 🔥🔥🔥🏆🏆🏆👍👍👍
barae belbsir
fr c'est merveilleux
Ibrahim Elnour
en very Simple and efficient 💯
Egor Ukoloff
en Am not sure what is that speech to text doing. Evety time I click on it it pops up 'Recording stopped" and not doing anything else...
omur gulec
tr ekranı enine küçüldü, yazmak da okumak da imkansız..
Mehmet Ali GÖVÜŞ
tr ÇOK hızlı ve PRATİK
Daniel L
en The animated pencil is incredibly annoying and serves no purpose, taking up a huge portion of the screen. There is no way to turn it off. Useless feature that distracts, makes the browser look like a child's cartoon, and adds no functionality. Uninstalled.
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