Reviews of Bulk Slack DMs

List of user reviews and ratings for Bulk Slack DMs

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Bulk Slack DMs on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.60

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mubashir Tareen
en Excellent tool and timely support from the developer if there's any issue. This definitely made broadcasting DMs on Slack possible. Highly recommended, and will always be my first choice.
Mick Occhiuto
en This is a tool that is lacking in Slack and although it's kind of a developer level tool, after uncrossing our communication wires the support tech was very helpful in getting me rolling and was open to suggestions to make the tool more user friendly. If you've ever wanted to send a quick simple Private text message to all of your Slack members at once (you are forced to do that one at a time by Slack) this is your best and only option. Adding attachments and fancy formatting takes a bit more tech knowledge than the average joe but it can be completed, and most importantly -- all at once!
en Keeps failing to send.
Steven Morell
en Great little tool that does exactly what it promises! Exceptional responsive and helpful developer who goes above and beyond!