
Draw, sketch, create with Sketchpad.

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 1,528)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly tools for creating art
  • Works well on Chromebooks
  • Great for beginners learning to draw
  • Provides a good variety of features
  • Good for simple sketches
  • Limited or problematic layer functionality
  • Eraser tool is hard to find or non-existent
  • Inconsistent bugs, like issues with undo/redo
  • Childish and limited sticker options
  • Frustrating interface and controls for detailed work
Most mentioned
  • Layer issues and functionality
  • Problems with the undo/redo feature
  • Difficulty in finding basic tools like eraser
See reviews for Sketchpad on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.99
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Rating filters

5 star
42% (31)
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8% (6)
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18% (13)
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21% (15)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Penny Collins
en Just wanted to erase, but couldn't find eraser? Looked in their guide - can't ctrl F to find anything? Weird. Surely an pen and an eraser is kind of basic? Or am I missing something obvious?
FakedBee314 (Bee)
en Let's you see layers, but can't add any.
tree mane
en i didnt like it. I draw on a chromebook so when i draw with my fingers the whole dang screen moves it's not how i expected it to be.😬
en Awesome, nothing bad to say!
Mey Valenzuela
en Can anyone help me how to delete this? the app is fine but I need a better app for me to use...
Shadow Moon
en teribble it barely worked for me its not worth you time.
Max Walters
en I don't really like it. For starters, once I save within the app, it leans to the left. I tried taking advantage of it. Now, I save within the screenshot. No paint bucket tool.
Maddie Johnson
en it has changed and i dont like it
Ben Parker
en I love this so much! I was looking for a good art studio that was available on my Chromebook. I looked up all sorts of studios online, none of which worked, so I moved over to the Chrome Web Store. I looked up all sorts of things such as "art studio" and "sketchbook", but found nothing good. I eventually saw this, which had great reviews, and installed it. It turned out to be great! I'm no artist, but this has great tools and helps me create wonderful works of art. It's also very user-friendly, I got used to it in a few hours. If you love making beautiful works of art without buying or restrictions, this is for you. Hope you like it as well.
Rodrigo Ballon
en worst app ever! it is boring. but also it helped me learn how to draw way better so actually if anything i love this app. #USA
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