the Mobile Catholic

A Mobile Prayer App & Other Aids For Today's Busy Catholics

Total ratings

4.94 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for the Mobile Catholic on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.88
All time rating average: 4.94

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
rikardo abreu
en great spiritual growth
en I've only been playing around with this app a couple of minutes and soo far it looks great
Ray Somo
en Great for finding a Mass, quite link to the liturgy of the hours. Good pray matterial.
Jennifer Kavanagh
en App is very complete and includes many useful resources. It's also very clearly organized. I love being able to listen to the daily readings.
Jose Tejeda
en Very nice, for children in religion class. Thank you !!!!!
John Blumenstein
en I just discovered this app. So far I love it. It provides a source of spiritual prayer and scriptures.
paul feliciano
en the apps is really a great help!!!!!!
Andrea McDermett
en I thoroughly enjoy this application. As a business professional I find myself swamped in my daily tasks. The Mobile Catholic helps me to incorporate the process of growing in my faith in my work life. I do, however, wish that the rosary, stations of the cross, and the chaplet of divine mercy were available in audio versions so I can tune in while doing something else. Keep up the great work!