
Awesome theme for Atavi.com

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 259)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Loved by users who have the car featured (Scion, BRZ, etc.)
  • Nice aesthetic and design elements for car enthusiasts
  • Overall good experience and appeal noted by several users
  • Background is too bright, specific requests for a dark theme
  • Gauges showing zero create a sense of dullness or lack of excitement
  • Some users found the extension lacking in functionality or additional features
Most mentioned
  • Desire for a dark background instead of the bright one
  • Gauges at zero, leading to disappointment about lack of engagement
  • Mixed feelings about uninstalling due to lack of appeal or issues with the extension
See reviews for Speedometer on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.16
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (46)
4 star
19% (14)
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4% (3)
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3% (2)
1 star
12% (9)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Modha Deep
en love this speedometer background
Brenlan Kincaid
en i love this background because i own the car in the pic . its a scion
Joe L
en Simple background. Gauges at zero and not exciting. No other theme elements just a background. Zzzzzzzzzz
zh 涡轮86车主路过
Islamuddin SiddiQui
en problem
Syarif Hidayatullah
ms mantap
Eesha Gauri
no omg superspeed
Bobby N
en Why is it at zero... ? there's no speed limit or even a redline when it comes to chrome extensions... not that I know of anyway.
tr eh işte idare eder ama üst kısmı beyaz yerine siyah olsaymış keşke
en I love it because its from my car (scion frs/ GT86) but i have to agree i wish it was a dark background instead of the white one.
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