My Notes

Simple and fast note-taking.

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 100)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and simple interface
  • Syncs with Google Drive for backup
  • Customizable appearance and features
  • Works well on both Chrome and Edge browsers
  • Lightweight and efficient for note-taking
  • Lacks advanced search and organization features
  • Cannot sync across platforms effectively
  • Missing functionality for easy insertion or organization of notes
  • No toolbar in Chrome version
  • Data loss risk if not synced properly
Most mentioned
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Syncing capabilities with Google Drive
  • Need for better organizational tools and features
  • Customization options available
  • Issues with data loss if not properly synced
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.71
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
dgdg gfgfdg
zh 好用
ВАСЯ пупкин
ru Все хорошо. 👍 Но почему через контекстное меню текст скопировать в заметки можно, а таким же образом, через контекстное меню, вставлять заметки в поле ввода нельзя? Очень неудобно. Неполноценный функционал получается! А ведь во многих расширениях такое давно реализовано. Автор, очень прошу вас, займитесь этим вопросом. Уверен, тогда не только один я вам пятерку поставлю! Заранее благодарю. 🌷🌷🌷
ali akbari
en It is very good. Everything is in place. Of course, nothing in this world is perfect.
Dylan Lee
en Like the stripped down UI and the sync to google docs is great. Makes it much quicker to access my notes.
Dustin Moore
en Bummer I really like this plugin, and it works on both Chrome and Edge browsers, but I guess it doesn't sync across platforms?
en I've been using this for a few days now. It's one of the most useful tools on any of my computers. Quick, easy and everything stays backed up. I've tried similar extensions, this is by far the best one. EDIT: Almost a week later, I use this extension ALL THE TIME. It's worked flawlessly. And for once, I don't have to worry about losing everything. It's backed up to my google drive. I haven't even begun to customize yet.
pt Ótima Extensão, salva bastante formatos e não preciso mais usar o Google Keep.
Volodymyr Neborak
uk Таке як шукав: зберігає текст, а також покликання на сайт, звідки цей текст
Evan Pence
en only extension I've gone out of my way to write a review for
en This is so, so outstandingly good, that I had to go back and search it on the store to give it my 5 stars and now tell you all to get it. It's simple, yet effective, and *hella* customizable without having to pay a cent for any of it. And it's not uncomfortable either! it's not on top of your normal browsing or standing in an awkward pop-up to then be closed and forgotten about, instead it all stays nice and cozy in a single tab dedicated for "My Notes". You can customize fonts, have many notes at once, use all options for text (bold, italic, sizes, colours, bulleted points...) available and also sync it to ur drive to not lose your stuff; I haven't even explored it all in full depth, as I'm mainly sticking to the simpler side of notes, and gosh, I haven't even tried to use that whole "customisable appearance" thing to have every feature match my specific vibe because it involves codes that I'm not well versed on and I'd rather be basic than be killed by my computer exploding after I try to type in codes, so I'm mainly sticking to the black&white modes depending on the vibe, BUT you could also customise all colours with codes if you'd like to (nothing too revolutionary, it just involves colour tags you can google, I simply don't know how to make the codes work for the colour tags to then become colours on my screen...). Besides that, this extension can work to be as simple or complex as you'd like, and it's costless. It's got everything and then asks nothing of you back. What a simple, yet effective little tool, I'm even using it daily! And no, I'm not sponsored or anything, I don't even write reviews for things, I just had to share my newfound serendipity with the world. Get it now, you can just delete it if you don't like it, but if you've been searching for a notes app (or, well, extension) that actually does the thing™ and is also easy to use and understand, then this is the one.
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