Clash amongst one another in this epic new battle theme!
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Date | Author | Rating | Lang | Comment |
2024-09-28 | en | Hi my name is Iker and I didn't like this very much. I would like this to be fixed and maybe ill reconsider downloading this theme. It needs so much optimizations. First, its not filling in my entire screen, and I would like that to be fixed I almost tried every single Fortnite theme and still couldn't find one that could fill up the entire screen, out of all the ones I've downloaded and put on my Google this was the worst. Please fix this mess. Second, its not OG if you maybe put it to OG theme maybe I'll download again but for right now I wont. This is all I have for you and ill review or reply to my review if I think more optimizations need to be made. Thank you very much and i hope you have a very, very, very, very, good day -Yours Truly Fortnite OG | ||
2024-05-02 | en | Very low quality pic. | ||
2024-02-26 |