Uniswap: Swap Tokens & Liquidity Pool

Uniswap: Swap Tokens & Liquidity Pool

Open source fully decentralized protocol for automated liquidity pool

Total ratings for Uniswap: Swap Tokens & Liquidity Pool
3.86 (Rating count: 14)
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Recent reviews for Uniswap: Swap Tokens & Liquidity Pool
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All time rating average: 3.86
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Tatiana Kolesnikova
Tatiana Kolesnikova
Ekaterina Martianova
Ekaterina Martianova
Scam. Entire account drained. Please return my money!?
2021-04-14 Aaron Harvey This extension rob all my asset, fake exchanger, please dont install it. RED ALLERT, DELETE THIS EXT IMMIDIATELY. SCAMERRR... FAKEEE FAKEEEE.... Im lost 30 ETH worth. Becarefull.
2021-04-01 Genius Man i love this uniswap ext,,so fast and easy to use interface...100/100
2021-04-01 mike tom I love Uniswap as a result of it's very easy to put in, simply a one-lick setup! it allows you to easy swap and organize tokens the way you wish . I'm feeling myself secured thanks to open source development of this app. Uniswap could be a extremely safe exchanger for cryptocurrency. This digital platform goes to feature a lot of cryptocurrencies and develop them with UNI. Finally I found it as web-based app as Google Chrome extension. 10/10
2021-04-01 max henry I love this app very much :) It's really great to use it in my Google Chrome. Uniswap - is my choice! I hope this features come in the future: - Desktop Notifications. - Make it more visible. Goodjob Uni team :)
cryptomancer x
cryptomancer x
Works great for me. I made test with small amounts of ETH. I've used the test nets with success and I memorized my own seed phrase and only unlock my account when I am actively using it. For everyone that thinks Uniswap is a scam I invite you to do your homework on crypto-wallet best practices and follow them with zeal. This isn't like a centralized systems where you can email admin and get your passwords back. It's also easy to swap a token that will work on empowr whether it's a scam or not. Needs more updates, such as some very well known coins with big market caps not fully recognized or recognized at all. Too much manual intervention but easy stuff.
2021-04-01 Dr strange Thanks, guys for your hard work and release of this long-awaited chrome app. I just downloaded the Uniswap chrome extension and so far it is great and fast. Only one click and it opens right away. The user interface is also user-friendly which is easy to use. With the input from the community it achieves the best protection, I have come across thus far, from scams till date. Response time from analysts on reported cases currently is excellent and usually a confirmed case is released soon after into the Threat Reputation Database (TRDB). Hope that the app will gain a broad popularity which however may require other languages than just EN to be available as being a barrier for users that are not fluent with EN. Thanks for developing great products and evolving the Uniswap ecosystem!
odd lord
odd lord
Super simple and easy to use! I created an account within seconds, gives a phrase for securely recovering your account. Sent Ethereum to the wallet with no problem, swap some ERC20 tokens with no problem. Honestly it's super simple, once Uniswap in full release it'll be the best exchanger! No confusion about what is happening during a transaction and super intuitive user experience. Knowing the added layers of security are there is really reassuring. New features are always being added and will prove valuable to everyone who has crypto. Awesome all round. Simple, clean interface that provides extra security. Easy to swap tokens to and from exchanges without having to store it there. Can't wait to see this final product.
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