Drakensang Online

Become a hero and protect<br>mankind from the grizzly dangers of the Anderworld.

Total ratings

3.97 (Rating count: 595)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good game overall
  • Some users enjoyed it
  • Not compatible with Chromebooks
  • Misleading information about compatibility
  • Only a link to the website, no actual functionality
  • Users have lost accounts or faced issues with account recovery
Most mentioned
  • Not working on Chromebooks
  • False marketing regarding compatibility
  • Frustration with lack of support for Chromebooks
See reviews for Drakensang Online on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.97
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (49)
4 star
7% (8)
3 star
4% (5)
2 star
6% (7)
1 star
38% (43)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en vrey dum dum cant play it i agree with you guys
es es una porqueria no es para crome Book que diablos ase aqui sies para windos
Adm Kreft
pl Nie ma na chrome OS klikając link pisze "to jest na Mac, nie chrome os
es no sirve en chromebook?
Kevin Smith
pt poxa eu jogava esse game des de 2014 pelo google ai o jogo paro de funciona e perdi minha conta pq ele nao quer roda mas no google :( triste D+ eu pesso ajuda o game mas eles nao resolveu poxa des de 2014 jogado fora começei uma nova conta ela ta lvl55 mas minha antiga conta eu sofri mas :(
Jackson Moran
en not compatible but it shows up in the crome store
Cheyenne Amelio
en Stupid. Nothing is compatible with my Chromebook. If it's not compatible, don't tell me that it is.
Richard Burkhart
en It's just a link to the website. I read that it was needed in order to run the game in-browser on Chrome.
Sire Boomlot
en For Windows, not Chromeook
A Google user
tr süper
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