Carbon Metal

A smooth combination of carbon fiber and brushed aluminium. (Modified to fit resolutions 1920x1080 and up)

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3.97 (Rating count: 88)
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.97
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
A Google user
en TOOLBAR elements are not LEGIBLE 😕
Melody Yoder
en I cannot read my bookmarks bar
en There's a line running across the bookmarks bar making them difficult to read
S o u t h O k a n a g a n
en Errrr, It doesn't fit right on my screen, and yes I'm using your recommended 1920x1080 screen size. It shows white lines across my bookmarks ba, It's all wonky and off-kilter. Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about: (Choose any one of these shortened links below, they all work & goto the same screenshot image.) Thanks for your time & I look forward to hearing back from you about the results or what you may or may not have done to fix it. I can be reached at: f AT uknuts DOT com (Yes, that's my correct email address.) That's the letter F, then the AT sign, then UKNUTS DOT COM. Cheers brotha!
Bill Paris
en Clean, smooth and simple.
Joel M.
en Looked real good at first until I seen the new tab page. It did not fit my screen. The screws look like "X" out buttons. They might be considered unnecessary.
en At least its better than Theme Creator!
Matias Andres Alvarez Baez
es Haz jodido el tema con las letras que agregaste al abrir una nueva tab y en la esquina inferior derecha apareche tu nombre.. que feo , me habia gustado hasta que vi eso
Second Life Around
en ALL TIME FAVORITE THEME...The amount of detail and the shading for this design makes it hands down my top choice after years of seeking the perfect theme.
Aela oagi
en One the best I've seen.
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