The classic game YAHTZEE. Play against a computer player and see who can get the highest score.

Total ratings

3.63 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and fun gameplay
  • Good for killing time
  • Silent dice feature
  • Free to play
  • Dice do not roll randomly; may feel rigged
  • Computer opponent's strategy is poor
  • Limited scoring options and decisions for players
  • Game has malware issues
Most mentioned
  • Lack of random number generation in dice rolls
  • Computer wins unfairly
  • Poor interface and lack of bonuses for extra Yahtzees
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.63
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Rating filters

5 star
24% (4)
4 star
6% (1)
3 star
29% (5)
2 star
24% (4)
1 star
18% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tom Meara
en Does not seem to be based on true probability which makes it kinda meaningless.
en simple but fun
Max Lober
en bill got yahtzee every time
Ahmed Abdulameer
en Fun and effortless, really like it because it good to kill time without complicating things
Drie Riggins
en dice are set to roll in favor of computer player
Robert Gray
en yes this game is not programmed well there are definitely patterns that are repetetive
David Gregory
en a nice time waster,I love it
Angel Vales
en I really enjoyed this game at first, but the dice don't roll randomly; there's a very distinct trend to the numbers that come up. Where's the random number generator? Pluses: silent dice, playing against a computer opponent (for the competitive among us- haha), the red number possibilities on the score card, clicking on the dice to keep and get rid of select ones as opposed to dragging (easier on the hands).
Heather Paris
en This was working just fine, Yahtzee and all the other games linked on this site until it became infected with malware that redirects to a bogus Google search page. DO NOT INSTALL or go to this site until the developer can confirm it's been fixed. I've had to reset my browser settings 3x now.
Belinda Chinea
en Are you kidding me? Whoever doesn't think it fast-moving, fun-packed game of Yahtzee isn't at LEAST deserving of a 5 Star rating is, in my accurate opinion [hee hee], Cuckoo!! Love IT!!
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