Open Port Check Tool

Open Port Check Tool

Check a port's status easily, find out which ports of your connection is open or closed

Total ratings for Open Port Check Tool
3.96 (Rating count: 51)
See reviews for Open Port Check Tool on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Open Port Check Tool
Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.96
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Paul Fillmore
Paul Fillmore
en This is completely useless.
Serge Hill
Serge Hill
en Not an app, just a web link. Cannot test in local network
en It basically just serves as a app-bookmark for Now, that's not a bad thing, and it does what it says, but creating an app pointing to their web tool is rather pointless. Instead of creating an app, any user could just log in to their own router (192.168.*.*) and look at "Virtual Servers", and see if any ports are open, and pointing to any local addresses. You don't need any apps or websites to tell you that.
Jean Teyes
Jean Teyes
pt Funciona
lino parra (Linp)
lino parra (Linp)
it Molto utile